I was told that this blog was 'confusing', so I guess a map might be of use to those bent on travelling this territory.
This map takes the form of a list of names of British poets with against each one a record of what I have written about them.
Most of the reviews are available in books. Some are on the Internet. I included other ones which are not so available, being buried in magazines. Or widely available in magazines, depending on your view of these things. Usual conditions apply. My interest is in British poetry 1960-97 so the poets listed here were mostly part of that field. This file is just a list of pointers so it is only of any use if you want the information it is pointing towards. You can only get the information if you get hold of the books it is stored in. The core material is generally in the books and the postings on the internet add things round the edges, possibly because new information came to light. I have written about some poets later than 1997 but I have not listed those reviews here.
The abbreviations refer to these books: CP: Centre and periphery in modern British Poetry (Liverpool UP, 2005); FC: The Failure of Conservatism in Modern British Poetry (Salt 2003); Silent Rules, Fulfilling the Silent Rules (announced from Waterloo Press); Long 1950s: The Long 1950s (shearsman, 2012); heresy, The Council of Heresy (shearsman, 2009); Scene: The Poetry Scene in the 90s (published on the Internet at www.pinko.org); Origins, Origins of the Underground (Salt, 2008); AE Angel Exhaust magazine (some issues are available on-line); Angelexhaust.blogspot is this blog, pinko.org is another website at www.pinko.org . DSMT, Don't Start me Talking, book of interviews conducted by Tim Allen and Andrew Duncan. Poetry Boom, A Poetry Boom 1990-2010 (shearsman, 2015); NIBS, Nothing is Being Suppressed (Shearsman, 2022)
Abbs, Peter, Long 1950s
Aldington, Richard, Origins; and see posting on this site for August 2009, 'Death Cult and Dog Star'
Allen, Tim interview in DSMT
Alvi, Moniza, Silent Rules
Anderson, John Redwood, CP; and again in Long1950s. Anderson wrote dreadful poetry so it is hard to excuse writing about him. His trilogy of the 1940s is Outsider Art or can be viewed as such.
Arden, John, more info here
Ash, John, FC, Silent Rules
Atkins, Tim, Scene here
Ayres, Michael, AE 12, Silent Rules, 2nd essay on this website
Barker, George on pinko.org, and in Silent Rules, AE Supplement, Origins; posting on this blog of March 2010 describes his work in relation to Dunstan Thompson
Barnett, Anthony, Underground, AE Supplement
Barnett, David, Scene here
Bartlett, Elizabeth, Scene here
Beecham, Audrey, discussion of two poems in Long50s; see also my posting on this blog, and this one: Beecham
Beeching, Jack, posting on this blog; NIBS
Bendon, Chris, on pinko.org here
Benveniste, Asa, FC, AE Supplement
Bergvall, Caroline, AE 15
Berry, Francis, Origins, Silent Rules
Berry, James, Silent Rules
Black, DM, here: ; and Silent Rules
Bletsoe, Elisabeth, Scene here; Silent Rules
Bonney, Sean, Silent Rules, terrible work
Bowen, Euros, Silent Rules, and AE 21; NIBS
Brackenbury, Alison, FC
Brown, George Mackay, FC, Silent Rules, and here
Brown, Andy, scene here
Brown, Paul posting on this site; NIBS
Bunting, Basil, Origins
Casey, Gerard NIBS
Catling, B., FC, AE 11
Chaloner, David, Origins, Silent Rules, AE 13; interview in DSMT; see special issue of Angel Exhaust (no.22)
cheek, cris, on pinko.org
Clarke, Adrian, Silent Rules, AE 13
Conran, Anthony on this website
Corcoran, Kelvin, survey in FC; review of Book of Answers in Heresy. review of 'Lyric Lyric' in Scene; interview in DSMT.
Craig, David, in FC
Crawford, Robert, in FC, Silent Rules, review in Poetry Review, Long 50s, and here
Crozier, Andrew, Origins; posting on this blog for August 2012; interview in DSMT; NIBS
Dabydeen, David, Silent Rules
Davies, Idris, CP
Didsbury, Peter, Silent Rules
Draycott (Ruth) & Saunders (Lesley), Silent Rules
Duhig, Ian, FC
Elfyn, Menna, Silent Rules
Evans, Paul, in Poetry Wales (magazine); and in NIBS
Feaver, Vicki, Silent Rules
Fenton, James, Scene here
Finch, Peter, Scene here
Finlay, Ian Hamilton, here, and more in Silent Rules
Fisher, Allen, AE 10, Scene, NIBS. I edited a book called 'Marvels of Lambeth' which collects interviews with Fisher and includes also an essay by me. I never wrote a 'career survey' of Fisher because the material was just too complex. General essay here. Essay on 'Stane' as posting on this blog. Posting on this blog deals with one point (ley lines) in Fisher's great poem 'Place'. Just a footnote! Another footnote on 'London Stone' in posting for April 2010.
Fisher, Roy, Origins, NIBS
Flintoff, Eddie NIBS
Fowler, Alistair, FC
Freer, Ulli, FC, Scene, NIBS, Eonta
Fuller, Roy Long50s
Garry, Flora, FC
Gascoyne, David, Origins
Gibbs, Michael NIBS
Gibson, Wilfrid, CP
Goodby, John, FC
Graham, WS, Silent Rules
Greenslade, David, Scene here; Silent Rules
Grubb, David, on pinko.org
Guest, Harry Silent Rules, NIBS
Hakim, Khaled, Terrible Work
Hall, John, Origins, Terrible Work
Harsent, David, FC, AE 12
Hartill, Graham interview in AE 21
Haslam, Michael, CP, Scene here; interview in DSMT
Hawkins, Ralph, Origins, Silent Rules, NIBS, Terrible Work
Hay, George Campbell, CP
Hendry, JF, Origins, Silent Rules
Herbert, WN, FC, AE 13
Hill, Geoffrey, career survey (to 1992) in FC; essay on 'Speech! Speech!' in Silent Rules; essay on 'Canaan' in Scene here; review of 'A Treatise of Civil Power' in Oxford Poetry (magazine), 2008
Hilson, Jeff, Terrible Work, Silent Rules
Holloway, Rob, review in terrible work (now no longer on-line)
Holloway, John, long50s
Holman, Paul, Silent Rules, Jacket (magazine)
Hooker, Jeremy, review in Poetry Review. Mainly ,omitted in error - he is an important poet and directly connected to John Cowper Powys and David Jones.
Horovitz, Frances in NIBS
Hughes, Ted, Silent Rules
Humphreys, Emyr, long50s, FC
Hutchison, Alexander, Silent Rules, and here; interview in DSMT
Jackowska, Nicki NIBS
Jafrate, Keith on this website at May 2020
James, John, FC; CP, Silent Rules
Jenkins, Phil remarks in a posting on this site for August 2009, 'Death Cult and Dog Star'; and NIBS
Johnson, Nicholas here
Jones, Brian, in Long50s
Jones, David, here and in Silent Rules
Jones, Glyn, CP
Jope, Norman, Scene here, AE 15
Jordan, Andy in Poetry Boom
Kazantzis, Judith, Silent Rules, Long 1950s
Khalvati, Mimi, Silent Rules
Kirkup, James CP; and see posting on this site
Kuppner, Frank, Silent Rules; and here
Laight, Nic, Scene here
Lake, Grace, AE 15, Silent Rules
Langley, RF, Silent Rules; Scene here
Larkin, Philip, FC
Law, TS, FC
Lawson, Andrew, Scene here
Levi, Peter, Long50s
Llewellyn-Williams, Hilary, Silent Rules
Logue, Christopher, heresy, AE 13 reproduced here, Long50s
Lopez, Tony, posting on this blog on 'Change'; review in Scene and NIBS and Heresy; terrible work
Lowenstein, Tom, Silent Rules
MacBeth, George, FC, NIBS
MacCaig, Norman, here
Macdonald, Helen, Silent Rules, Scene here; Jacket and Chide's Alphabet, Heresy
Macias, Nick, Scene here
Mackie, Alastair, here
MacLean, Sorley, CP, NIBS
Macleod, Joseph, CP; intro to his Selected Poems; intro to 'The Drinan Trilogy'; notes on certain of his texts as postings on this blog for August 2010
MacSweeney, Barry, (1) career retrospect in Heresy; (2) review of Book of Demons in 'Scene'; (3) essay on Ranter in this blog; (4) remarks in review of Conductors of Chaos in AE 16 pp.113-16; (5) remarks on 'Jury Vet' in posting on this blog for August 2010; (6) essay on Black Torch in a book edited by Paul Batchelor.
Madge, Charles, Origins; an essay on a 1949 poem (published for the first time in 2009), in Cambridge Literary Review, now posted on this site
Manson, Peter, Silent Rules, Terrible Work
Marley, Brian, Silent Rules, NIBS
Marriott, DS, Heresy, Scene here; and Jacket magazine
Masefield, John, CP
Mathias, Roland, Silent Rules
Mengham, Rod NIBS
Middleton, Christopher, FC
Milne, Drew, on pinko.org
Mitchell, Adrian, here
Morgan, Edwin, long 1950s, also review in 'Poetry review'; in NIBS; in Scene here
Mottram, Eric, piece on 'Peace projects' as posting on this blog for August 2009, Heresy, NIBS
Nolan, Kevin, review of 'Alar' on pinko.org, AE 16, Silent Rules
Nott, Kathleen Silent Rules and see posting on this site
Nuttall, Jeff, Origins; posting on this blog for August 2012. Nuttall's poetry isn't really any good but he was good value as an 'animateur'.
O'Sullivan, Maggie, AE 12, Heresy, Scene here
Oswald, Alice remarks on 'Dart' in Long50s
Out To Lunch interview in DSMT; AE 12
Perrie, Walter, Origins, FC
Pitter, Ruth, see posting on this blog for August 2010
Prince, FT, Silent Rules
Prynne, JH, FC; Silent Rules, NIBS; essay in Prynne symposium in Jacket (magazine, on-line)
Quinn, Niall, Scene here
Raine, Kathleen, Silent Rules, NIBS; early piece on www.pinko.org; chapter in Heresy which gets to grips with her cosmological beliefs
Raworth, Tom, AE 16, Scene here; Heresy.
Redgrove, Peter, FC, Silent Rules; review in Poetry Review
Reed, Jeremy, FC, NIBS; review in Poetry Review; Long50s; introduction to book, 'Black Russian Out-takes'
Rees-Jones, Deryn, Silent Rules
Riley, Peter, Scene here
Riley, Denise, CP, Silent Rules, AE 12
Riley, John, Origins, AE 14
Roberts, Lynette, CP, and AE 21
Ross, Alan, Silent Rules
Rushmer, David, on pinko.org, AE 10
Salvesen, Christopher , FC
Seed, John, AE 14; FC
Selerie, Gavin, essay on Azimuth here, Silent Rules, also in Terrible Work
Shapcott, Jo Long50s
Sheppard, Robert, FC, Scene
Shuttle, Penelope, Silent Rules; FC; review in fragmente
Simms, Colin, Silent Rules, AE 14; CP, NIBS
Sinclair, Iain, Origins; Silent Rules, NIBS; remarks on use of 'pulp diffusionist' material in a posting on this site for August 2009, 'Death Cult and Dog Star'
Sisson, CH, here
Sitwell, Sacheverell, Silent Rules
Smith, Iain Crichton, CP, NIBS; also notes in a posting on this blog. The remarks are about one of his Gaelic poems. This wouldn't come out in book form because my Gaelic is so thin. It mattered to me at the time. Donald Meek refers in an essay to the 'coignear cliuiteach', the Famous Five of modern Gaelic poets. They were MacLean, Derick Thomson, Crichton Smith, Donald MacAulay, and George Campbell Hay. I admit I have never read MacAulay. Their status refers to the 1950s (or, maybe, 1940-70?) and at least one new generation of Gaelic poets has followed.
Smith, Ken, posting on this site; FC, NIBS
Smith, Robert, brief mention in Heresy
Smith, Simon, Scene here; interview in DSMT
Smith, S Goodsir, here
Sneyd, Steve, Scene here
Sowerby, Kerry, Scene here
Spender, Stephen posting on this site for April 2010
Stainer, Pauline, Silent Rules; review in Poetry Review; Long 1950s; essay in a forthcoming issue of Critical Survey (magazine)
Stammers, John in Long50s
Thom, Martin, Silent Rules, Origins, NIBS; posting on this blog of August 2012
Thomas, R S, CP
Thompson, Dunstan, Origins; posting on this blog
Thomson, Derick, CP
Thrilling, Isobel, FC; Scene here
Thwaite, Anthony, Heresy (and a posting in this blog for June 2012, recording what the poet says in his book about living in Libya, which sheds light on his Libyan poems)
Tiller, Terence, Origins
Tomlinson, Charles, FC
Tonks, Rosemary, FC, Silent Rules
Toynbee, Philip, Silent Rules; remarks in Long50s; more here
Trimble, Rhys, review in Poetry Wales (magazine)
Turnbull, Gael NIBS
van den Beukel, Karlien, Silent Rules, remarks in AE 15
Vaughan, Vittoria, Scene here
Wain, John NIBS
Wainwright, Jeffrey, FC, another review here
Ward, John Powell NIBS
Welch, John, review in memes (magazine) around 1995
Wevill, David, Silent Rules; review of his selected poems as posting on this blog for April 2010
Wheale, Nigel, Silent Rules, AE 12
White, Kenneth, FC
Wieners, John, see posting on this blog
Wilkinson, John, on www.pinko.org, interview in AE 8 and 9
Williams, John Hartley, Silent Rules; review of 'Blues' in Poetry Review; career survey on this website
There are notes on writers I got to too late to include in the work in a posting on this site: Paul Gogarty, Gerard Casey, Giles Goodland, Phil Jenkins.
This is a pretty thorough list of the interesting poets of the period. The coverage gets noticeably thin for poets born after 1965. The perimeter could also be described as 'British poets born 1910-65', although that would raise other questions about omissions.
There is no way that someone who says that 'I spent 20 years including little-known poets and rescuing them from public indifference' will not be accused by someone else in terms like 'you spent 20 years excluding people from sight'.
Wednesday 26 June 2013
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