Thursday 15 August 2024

Beautiful Feelings - footnote

Autism was defined clinically by two people, Kanner and Asperger. I wrote about Haley Jenkins, an autistic poet, in my new book. Her book is nekorb. One of the psychiatrists was in the USA, and the other was in Vienna and delivered “incurable” children over to the SS for eugenic murder. I found out at about 9 pm Iast night (in June 2023) that I had got the names the wrong way round – exchanging Kanner for Asperger. This is catastrophic. I was quite distracted by the need to fix the text and I have done so now.
I was interested to discover that the accepted version, whereby Kanner and Asperger discovered the same cluster of symptoms independently, and Lorna Wing put the two patterns together in 1981, to create the modern theory, is wrong. Two Jewish doctors, Weiss and Frankl, were working and researching in Asperger’s clinic and fled to the USA. And there they worked for Leo Kanner. One of them had published the pioneer paper on autism, not yet called that, in 1935. Kanner never mentions this, but he must have heard these ideas, and so he must have known what Asperger had discovered. But it is not certain that the breakthrough is due to Asperger (rather than to Anni Weiss and Georg Frankl, or perhaps a group study at the Heilpädagogik clinic).
Asperger's famous paper only dealt with highly functional people on the spectrum. Steve Silberman suggests that, in 1944, the need was to protect the subjects from eugenic murder, and so that he picked out the rather functioning children, and left out anybody lower down the spectrum. So there is no separate Asperger’s Syndrome, it is just a spectrum, and always was.

I found out today that the + marks in Jenkins’ poem relate to marks which Asperger made on notes delivered to the killing-clinic - + meant “incurable” and this meant in context “give this child a lethal injection”. Interesting, but how on earth would you know this unless you have actually read about that exact phase of history.

have you heard of our neurotribe?
to create concrete Utopias
drill it like cars or copper
unconscious need to be created
in mid-walk
at the end of each trip
you get back to dream-work

- I don’t know what this means, but that is exactly like any other book from Veer. I don’t think you can describe every avant garde poet as autistic. Just because they don’t care whether you can understand them or not.

“While Catel conveniently went on vacation, one of his subordinates murdered the baby with an injection as the nurses took their coffee break.” - - the baby mentioned was Gerhard Kretschmar. The last 7 words are also the title of one of Jenkins’ poems.

It may be helpful to quote a article in Molecular Autism:
"We will not repeat the evidence and main findings of Herwig Czech’s article here but will note that the conclusion concur with a new book on this topic, published in 2018, by Edith Sheffer, and entitled Asperger’s Children: The origins of autism in Nazi Vienna. Like Czech, Sheffer compellingly makes the case that Asperger willingly became a cog in the Nazi killing machine, referring children both directly and indirectly to Am Spiegelgrund. 
Sheffer, following Steve Silberman and John Elder Robison, also mentions the fact that Georg Frankl, a staff physician at the clinic, and the psychologist Anni Weiss, had already published on cases similar to those later described as “autistic psychopaths” before Asperger. Because Frankl and Weiss were Jewish, they were forced to leave Austria and went to the US, where they married shortly after their arrival. As Asperger's understanding of autism surely drew on their work and observations, and later helped inspire Lorna Wing to define the scope of the autism spectrum, Frankl and Weiss deserve credit for contributing to the modern understanding of autism."

A review of Edith Sheffer's book in the Daily Mail on-line reports "And yet Asperger encouraged other doctors to refer children to Spiegelgrund and he even sent patients there directly from his own clinic. He was a close colleague of Erwin Jekelius, who began the war as director of the Steinhof asylum, where he oversaw the deaths of around 4,000 adults judged superfluous to Nazi requirements.

Jekelius’s activities were notorious. In October 1940, a demonstration outside the Steinhof was broken up by the police and the SS. Even the British knew what he was doing. The RAF dropped leaflets on Vienna in September 1941, warning citizens: ‘Jekelius haunts the corridors of Steinhof… in a white doctor’s coat with his syringe. He does not bring new life to the ill, but death.’

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